Project: Aldekerstraße comprehensive school

"Working with specter feels like we've brought the construction site directly into the office. I can show the structural engineer and co-entrepreneur our project directly in the 3D model and clarify everything in one go - no more misunderstandings or endless back and forth. All deadlines are firmly anchored in the system so that everyone is always up to date. This means we can get everything done efficiently and on time, even if someone can't be on site."

- Foreman Artur Moos, nesseler Group.


⇲ To the field report

Read here how specter is used on the construction site

Artur Moos, an experienced foreman, shares his experience of how specter has simplified daily work on the construction site with innovative features such as 3D modeling and drone shots. From detailed planning and centralized document sharing to the innovative use of 3D models, learn how specter simplifies and improves the construction process.

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This is how specter was used:

Precise 3D models facilitated coordination with structural engineers, while digitized plans and central document management optimized the transfer of information.
Drone technology enabled precise monitoring of construction progress and a rapid response to changes, which increased efficiency and productivity on the construction site.

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Without specter: Challenges in construction project management

Time-consuming communication: Information was mainly exchanged via emails and phone calls, which often led to misunderstandings and loss of information.

Time-consuming plan updates: Every change in the construction process required manual updates to the plans, which led to delays in the construction process.

Limited project overview: The lack of centralized data and visual representations made it difficult to keep track of the overall construction progress and coordination.

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With specter: 1/3 less mail traffic

Improved communication: Clear and efficient communication between all project participants and reduced misunderstandings.

Automated plan updates: Changes in the construction process are fed directly into specter and updated automatically, significantly reducing the time required.

Comprehensive project overview: 3D models and digital plans provide a detailed view of construction progress and facilitate coordination between trades.

Proactive problem solving: Early detection and digital monitoring allow problems to be identified and resolved more quickly.

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"As a foreman, I rely on specter to keep everything under control around the deadlines. It's as if we all have a clear construction plan in our hands that tells us exactly where to go. Without further coordination or misunderstandings."
- Artur Moos, foreman at Nesseler.

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