Know How
4. October 2023

Construction is good, supervision is better

Through the integration of digital construction progress monitoring, such as Specter Automation, you can easily maintain an overview, identify deviations at an early stage, and take effective action to successfully complete construction projects.

Opportunities for automating digital construction progress monitoring

In the dynamic world of construction, every site manager and foreman faces the challenge of maintaining an overview. An overlooked detail, a stone set incorrectly, or a missed error can derail an entire project. This is where digital construction progress monitoring comes into play, with the potential to fundamentally transform the construction site and bring enormous time savings.

Why is digital construction progress monitoring so crucial?

Anyone who has ever led a construction project knows the feeling of not being able to precisely articulate the progress made at the end of the week. Thanks to digital construction progress monitoring, such uncertainties are a thing of the past. Deviations, advances, and issues can be captured and analyzed in real-time, ensuring a precise overview is always maintained and allowing timely intervention for guidance.

The core elements of digital construction progress monitoring detailed are:

  1. Planning & Preparation: Everything starts with a detailed construction schedule. In the digital realm, this plan can be continuously adjusted and optimized. Software solutions help to immediately identify critical paths in the construction process, thereby minimizing risks.

  2. Current State Capture: Cutting-edge technologies, progress tracking with a click, or 3D modeling make it easy and clear to capture construction progress with impressive detail. These data are then automatically compared with the planned progress to identify any deviations immediately.

  3. Analysis & Comparison: This step is the centerpiece of digital construction progress monitoring. Here, all collected data are analyzed and compared with the original plan. Any discrepancies, whether in the schedule or budget, are made transparent. This allows for quick responses and adjustments.

  4. Communication & Reporting: Digitalization ensures that all data and information are stored centrally and made accessible to all stakeholders. Instead of tedious meetings and phone calls, a single click is sufficient to view the current status or exchange reports.

  5. Corrective Actions: Thanks to the precise data situation, targeted measures can be taken. Instead of reacting based on assumptions, the data from digital construction progress monitoring enable efficient and effective corrections.

specter being used on a Computer

The digital construction progress monitoring and the specter model go hand in hand

Digital construction progress monitoring is thus the systematic recording, analysis, and representation of construction progress using digital technologies. It can be likened to a book containing many chapters. Upon opening these chapters, we encounter four different types of progress control:

  1. Basic Progress Monitoring

  2. Spatial Progress Monitoring

  3. Temporal Progress Monitoring (Scheduling)

  4. Quantitative Progress Monitoring

Types 2 and 3 present particular challenges, as they often involve various dependencies and changing parameters. In this regard, the Specter 3D model offers a solution.

The Implementation of the specter 3D Model in Dynamic Construction Progress Monitoring

When it comes to precise and innovative construction progress control, Specter takes a pioneering role with its 3D model, establishing a foundation for comprehensive and visual capture of construction progress. This technology is revolutionary not only in its application but also in the scope of data extractable from it, particularly through versatile export functions that enable extensive analysis and presentation of the acquired data.

Spotlight on Temporal Progress Monitoring and Scheduling

In the microcosm of construction, timing plays a critical role - it is the pacemaker that determines the efficiency and success of a project. Here, Specter steps forcefully to the fore with its special functionality for monitoring the project schedule. It's not merely about simple tracking of the current state, but a precise, visual representation of the current project status in the dazzling light of the digital 3D model.

With specter, you gain insight into:

The status quo of the project: Here, you can visually and in real-time compare the current position of the construction project with the initially planned timeframe, allowing for immediate identification of discrepancies.

Automation and scheduling of work packages (WP): The software permits not only tracking but also the automation of work packages and their temporal coordination, thus guaranteeing a smooth and efficient workflow.

Visual levels of completion: With the technological power of the 3D model, Specter offers a clear and vivid representation of the progress and the degree of completion of the project. Each phase and section of the construction is visually highlighted, making it immediately apparent which areas are on schedule, ahead or behind.

Identification of delays: In cases of deviations and delays, Specter facilitates not just early detection but also the identification of underlying causes, supporting preventive measures and efficient problem management.

In the world of construction, where every day, every hour counts, and considerable financial resources are at stake, the software and the 3D model represent an indispensable, almost futuristic resource. It enables projects to be monitored not just passively but actively controlled and modified in real-time. So, what can we take away from this?

specter software with Last planner and 3D model

ChatGPT What Can Be Possible on the Construction Site: An Example

The Initial Situation

A medium-sized construction company aims to optimize construction site processes to work more efficiently and save costs. The primary goal is to automate and interlink planning, control, and documentation of processes.

The Challenge

Construction site processes are complex and involve numerous departments and staff members. Additionally, the procurement of prefabricated parts must be coordinated. Manual planning and control can lead to mistakes, time delays, and communication issues, ultimately affecting the construction site.

Planning and Preparation

The Specter software is used for weekly planning. Tasks for the respective trades are scheduled, deliveries planned, and necessary processes and queries initiated. The plan is discussed in various presentations, such as a weekly preview, and is also accessible online.

Capturing the Current State

The current status of the construction site is updated with feedback from the trades and processes and stored in the model. The system provides an easy overview of the status quo at any time, shared with various stakeholders.

Analysis & Comparison of Data

Specter compares the actual data with the target specifications from work preparation and schedule planning. Deviations and delays are immediately identified and documented.

Communication & Reporting

All relevant stakeholders, such as production managers, teams, and executive management, have configurable access to the current progress status at any time. Automated reports can be generated and sent at defined intervals.

Corrective Actions

If discrepancies or problems are identified, the system allows for quick reaction. Short-term measures like buffer days can be considered early on.

The Result

By implementing Specter, the company can make its construction site processes more efficient and transparent. It reduces manual effort, minimizes errors, and enables early detection and resolution of problems. This optimization leads not only to cost savings but also to improved quality and customer satisfaction, as completion dates can be met more reliably.

What can we glean?

  1. Where are we currently in the project?

    • Answer with Specter: Visual representation of the degree of completion.

  2. Are there any delays? If so, why?

    • Answer with Specter: Analysis of the deviations between the planned and actual status.

  3. What needs to be done next?

    • Answer with Specter: Easy-to-identify status of open vs. completed tasks using model filtering and weekly previews.

Digital construction progress monitoring in specter

Tips for Implementing Digital Construction Progress Monitoring

If you also want to benefit from the advantages of digital construction progress monitoring, engage with software solutions like Specter early on and be a pioneer at your construction site. Here's how to proceed:

Training: Ensure your team is familiar with the new digital tools. The better the understanding, the higher the efficiency. Specter software is easy and intuitive to use.

Automation: Utilize technology to automate routine tasks. This not only saves time but also ensures consistently high quality. Weekly planning becomes a breeze and is completed in less time.

User-friendliness: When choosing software, ensure that it is intuitive and easy to use. This increases acceptance among users and effectiveness in daily operations.

How Your Workday Changes with specter

With specter, the percentage of a project's completion can be determined. Based on this, forecasts for future efforts can also be made.

The data captured in specter for progress monitoring also form the basis for the billing of services. They can be exported (e.g., as raw data) and used in subsequent processes, such as invoicing.

Don't Miss Out on Digital Construction Progress Monitoring

Digital construction progress monitoring is revolutionizing the construction industry. It enables precise, time-efficient, and visually appealing representations of construction progress that far exceed traditional methods. With such models, construction projects can be managed more efficiently, transparently, and ultimately more successfully.

Digital construction progress monitoring is not just another tool; it's the next logical step in the evolution of construction. For site managers and foremen, this means less stress, fewer errors, and, at the end of the day, a successfully completed project.

If you're ready to redefine everyday construction and want to maintain an overview, it's time to get more closely acquainted with digital construction progress monitoring.

Further Links:

  • Regularly check out our webinars or meet us at the fair. You can find all the dates in our central construction event calendar: Click here.

  • Have you read the latest press report about us? Read it now: Click here.

  • Read all about the advantages of Specter on the construction site and illustrative examples here: Click here.

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