with Specter
Pioneering the way we build
The first 3D model-based assistance system for construction site management

Lookahead planning
Do you work with post-its or pen and paper? specter adapts to your way of working and visualizes all tasks in a way that suits your construction site.
3D view in the model
Visualize progress and changes using the interactive 3D model. You get the project status at a glance and reduce misunderstandings.
Construction progress control
Maintain an overview and rely on warnings in the event of deviations. Complete projects with specter on time and on budget.
As if by magic - specter automates the building process
Planned tasks
With specter automation, the construction site team uses the 3D model to plan within minutes what is to be done, when, where and by whom on the construction site. To do this, we link the 3D model with the schedule.
Time savings
Everything else happens as if by magic: live progress of the construction site, load planner, communication and printouts, documentation and data analyses - automatically, digitally and intuitively in the software.

Don't trust us,
trust our customers!
Whether you are a billion-dollar corporation or a traditional medium-sized business, you will find the right solution for managing your construction sites with us. With specter you experience process automation at the push of a button in your construction site management software. Convince yourself.

Book a free
Demo now
We save you time and costs - and increase the quality of the construction work.
We are the software for your construction site and help you keep track of all deadlines. Our promise: Ease of work and up to 40%-time savings thanks to overview and automation of construction site management. We keep your construction projects under control to complete them on time and on budget. Our promise: a continuous flow of information between planning and execution, office and construction site, to increase efficiency and quality on the construction site.
All advantages at a glance
We show you live progress from the construction site to keep track of your projects and fine-tune your own processes. Our promise: All project participants have the same level of information and communicate precisely using the 3D model.
Easy implementation
And the best thing about specter is: You have little implementation effort and continue working with your common programs from planning. Let us prove how easy construction site management software can be!
- ABE Award
- BMWK (Gründungswettbewerb digitale Innovation)
- BIM Löwen
- Scale-up.NRW
- Plug & Play Accelerator
- TiE University

Our software adapts to your needs
What is the implementation effort in the current process?
It takes just 30 minutes from the registration process to viewing your construction project in the interactive 3D model. You don't need extensive training or have to tie up staff resources.
How large should construction projects be to use specter?
From the smaller construction project to the large construction site, all sizes are suitable for the use of the software. It plays a minor role how many people are managed in the weekly plan, how many tons of concrete are deposited in the detailed plan or how many floors are created in the 3D viewer. The benefit remains the same - high.
How do I add employees to the software?
With just a few settings, employees can be added to a project and activated for editing in specter by assigning individual roles.
Is the construction site software mobile accessible?
Yes, specter is mobile accessible. This allows users to access the software even on site and update information in real time.